The Girl Who Takes An Eye For An Eye

This is the fifth book in the Millennium Series which I found to be rather mundane and tedious in the way the author focuses at length on plotlines outside the main character of the story Lisbeth Salander, which to me is disappointing. 

The book begins with the famous Lisbeth Salander being in prison for her part in the August Balder case, even though all she did was save his life, so to me it is unclear why she went to prison. Throughout the series she maintains the same principles and her character never changes which is a positive thing, she rights wrongs, is against any man who harms women. We see this played out in this book when she takes it upon herself to save and protect in a way a character in the book, Faria Kazi a victim of abuse by her repressive family, mainly her brothers, she ends up in the same prison as Salander for pushing one of her brothers through a window. This is the only plot line where Salander is really involved, other than avenging the death of her former trusted guardian Holmer Palmgren.

The main plotline in the book centers on the study of twins that were separated at birth and a bunch of psychiatrists trying to protect fabricated information which is written out like a con game to see who can silence who the quickest way possible, not much fun reading. 

I do find that the book does not really center around Salander as the main focus, but rather shifts back and forth in different time periods which is not at all like the original novels written by the original author Steig Larsson, this lowers the standard of the book as to me the main attraction of the whole story was Lisbeth Salander and her story, which is briefly touched upon.

This book would have fared out better if the author focused more on Salander and her story than making her literally non existent. Even her relationship with the famous reporter Mikael Blomkvist is at best drab and lacks the excitement it had in the original series. Blomkvist in this book becomes entangled in the twins separated at birth story which was entirely played out too much in the book. 

In conclusion, if you are a fan of the series I would not recommend this book if you are expecting the same level of focus on the character who made the story famous which is Lisbeth Salander, a girl with a dark past, a psycho  mobster father, and the abilities of a super hacker. 





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